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WOW, can you believe your eyes 👀 what a Month we have planned! Thanks to Jackie, Shaunna and the team there is a whole lot packed in to June for us to enjoy 🍧🌞👒


We had a delightful visit to Selsey Academy as part of the business lunch initiative, where we discussed careers in care with the pupils. Here are the key points we promoted:

💖 Highly rewarding and fulfilling career.

📈 Qualifications and offered development.

➕ Make a positive impact on lives

👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼 Build meaningful relationships.

💭 Diverse and challenging work.

🏫 Continuous professional development.

🙌 Job security and demand.

😁 Foster teamwork and collaboration.

🌼 Personal growth and resilience.

We were prepared with clips from 'Work Experience with Rhod Gilbert' to address misconceptions about the role being all about Bottoms. Nowadays, the role requires a mix of skills, knowledge, and a caring nature. Effective training and development support working with professionals in similar sectors.

We are thrilled about this opportunity and have already established positive relationships. For more information, please visit our 'Opportunities' page.


Updated: Jul 24, 2023

Well, our first thanks has to go to the weather, what a glorious day!

But, our biggest thanks, has to go to all of YOU!

It wouldn't be a party without having such great people to share it with! ⭐ The hard work and dedication of our shine through with our 'Care with Kindness' values and its so wonderful to see in everything that you do! 💚Our wonderful residents for getting into the spirit 😍Friends and family for your support and involvement, it means so much to us. 🎶 The Selsey Shantymen including our very own Phil (super proud of you) what a fabulous set of entertainment!

🏡 And not to forget our wonderful home care clients who were delivered goody bags for the day but our fab community angels 👼

We hope you all had a fabulous day, we certainly did!

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